The weather in London has earned a rather notorious reputation for being incredibly rainy. But the truth is that, at 583 millimetres of rain per year, this city actually experiences less rain than many other cities in the UK, including Birmingham (662), Cardiff (1061), Manchester (810), and York (729).
While the amount of rain experienced annually is surprisingly low, London still has earned its reputation as a place that is constancy wet, as it experiences rain on a very frequent basis. In fact, it usually rains around 106 days out of the year, especially during the fall and early winter. This is also when temperatures drop drastically, which means ice, which can spell disaster to buildings' structures.
The reason that water is such a destructive force to many buildings is because it doesn't stay outside the structure, where you want it to be. Older buildings that are made with old-fashioned materials, like wood, as well as metals that are not treated to prevent rust, are particularly vulnerable. Water seeps into these materials, including wood, stone, and concrete structure, and as it does so, it changes from solid ice back to a liquid as temperatures fluctuate from cold to mild to warm. It is this process of expanding and contracting, combined with the salt that is naturally occurring in the rainwater, that can cause serious deterioration of the building's foundation over the long term.
What Can You Do To Protect Your Buildings?
The easiest thing you can do to protect your buildings is to make sure that windows and doors are watertight. Weather-proofing doors and windows not only saves money on energy bills, but also goes a long way in the fight against moisture damage.
Some options for protecting your windows includes:
· Checking for cracks in your windows; if found, be sure to fill with clear caulk.
· Glazing with plastic security coverings. This serves to keep the window from shattering in a million pieces if violent weather or intruders break a window, which, while rare, is a risk.
If parts of your window, including the sash, sill and/or frame, are already damaged by water, it may be time to replace the part or even the overall window. (It's worth noting that the latter process usually requires the assistance of a professional. Not only it is possible to cause some very expensive damage when done incorrectly, but handling glass can be hazardous to one's safety if you're not prepared.)
Please note also, that if the foundation of the structure's been compromised, it's time to call in a professional contractor as soon as the problem is noticed to try to minimise the damage.